3 Fibre-Rich Foods That are Better than Fibre Bars

Fibre bars are meant to supplement an otherwise healthy diet, whether it’s as a snack, a meal replacement or to help you power through your workouts.
They also help you feel fuller for longer, helps to keep your bowels regular, naturally lowers your LDL cholesterol and decreases your chance of colon cancer.
That being said, however, indulging on too much fibre can shock your system, causing diarrhoea and bloating. That’s why it’s important to adding in five grams of fibre at a time every few days over the course of a week until you hit about 30 grams per day.
Here are three high-fibre foods that will help you hit your daily fibre intake goal with ease:
Artichokes – 7 Grams Per Medium Uncooked Artichoke
Artichokes are a good source of fibre, but can be a pain to prepare. Instead, add canned artichokes to salads or a fibre-rich Mediterranean meal with whole-wheat pasta, sun-dried tomatoes, parsley, chicken and a sprinkle of feta.
Lentils – 16 Grams Per 1-Cup Cooked Serving
Add the lentils to simmering water for 30 minutes, and then use them as a filling for tacos and wraps.
Peanuts – 6 Grams Per Half Cup Serving
For such a small, ordinary nut, peanuts has a surprisingly high fibre content. Toss them into stir-fries or salads, or have a good old peanut-butter sandwich.